Paintworks' presents the works of the Danish artists Jonas Georg Christensen and Peter Olsen, congenially everyday low-key graffiti. It is so discreet and carefully executed that it completely blends into the building and only the attentive sees it. 'Paintworks' gives the same grayish image of buildings in Denmark as everyday life. We pass them, but our thoughts are elsewhere. But when we look closer: is it not something strange, something that is skewed? From a Scandinavian perspective, Paintworks is a kind of minimalist bombing. Graffiti's equivalent to Scandinavian fashion, industrial design and architecture. Paintworks contains a longer theoretical text by Carsten Madsen, senior lecturer at Aarhus University, as well as an introduction by Claus Peder Pedersen, who leads the graduate school at the School of Architecture in Aarhus. Exhibition: Leth & Gori, Copenhagen, Denmark (25.10.-22.11.2019)