Mladen Stilinovic is one of the most notable Croatian artists of the second half of the 20th century. Actions, photographs, drawings, installations, sculptures, objects, groups, texts and meetings are part of the repertoire of his work.In this short text, The Praise of Laziness, which is nothing more than a minimal sample of his anti-systemic, revolutionary and political-aesthetic legacy, Stilinovic leaves us a manifesto- reflection on laziness and the universal right to it, as a form creative, revolutionary and anti-capitalist action.
Mladen Stilinovic es uno de los más notables artistas croatas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Acciones, fotografías, dibujos, instalaciones, esculturas, objetos, agrupaciones, textos y reuniones son parte del repertorio de su obra. En este breve texto, The Praise of Laziness, que no es más que una mínima muestra de su legado antisistémico, revolucionario y político-estético, Stilinovic nos deja un manifiesto-reflexión en torno a la pereza y al derecho universal a la misma, como forma creativa, revolucionaria y anticapitalista.
Laziness is the absence of movement and thought, dumb time - total amnesia. It is also indifference, staring at nothing, non-activity, impotence. It is sheer stupidity, a time of pain, futile concentration. Those virtues of laziness are important factors in art.